Superguide PCS (plastic-clad silica) fiber provides high transmission efficiency at UV through visible and onto the near infra-red wavelength at low cost. These fibers are employed in high power laser delivery systems, remote spectroscopy, as well as the construction of high efficiency bundles.
- Remote UV-VIS spectroscopy
- Laser surgery
- Medical diagnostic.
- Remote Illumination
- Cost effective alternative to fused silica clad fibers for less demanding application.
- Useful spectral transmission range from 220 to 700um - Windows St 750-850 and 1060nm transmit LED, diode laser and Nd: YAG laser output.
- High NA (0.4 for short lengths) for efficient light collection from extended sources
- Laser damage resistant construction transmits 1.3 kW/mm sq. CW St 1060nm up to 10 joules, pulsed (special end preparation may be required).
- High core to clad ratios for high efficiency bundles (see bundle data sheet)
- Core diameters up to 2000um
- Radiation resistant
- All dielectric non-magnetic construction
- Sterilizable - ETO, steam, e-beam, gamma radiation